Overview of the Nextcloud environment

On this page we provide detailed statistics of Nextcloud and its environment created from data which is contributed by users of the Passwords app , the leading password manager for Nextcloud. These weekly created statistics give an up-to-date view on the market share of Nextcloud- and PHP-Versions as well as apps commonly installed and used with the Passwords app. This insight into the development of Nextcloud and its environment can help app developers to focus on developments that are important to the majority of users instead of spending time on compatibility with never used software.

If you are using the app, you can contribute data from your server by enabling the server survey participation in the app settings. We use this data to make decisions about the future development of the app and the deprecation and removal of old or unused features. Therefore the "server survey" is your way to have an influence on the future development of the app.

Total Contributors

This data shows how many server contributed to the survey each week and how representative that data is.

Report Status

Partial reports contain the version of the installed software and which software is used in the environment of the app.
Complete reports contain all metrics of the survey if that information that is available on the server.
Ignored (Outdated) reports are only stored partially because they come from a version of the app that is known to send faulty data.

Nextcloud Version Distribution

Usually we end support for any Nextcloud version but the current one in january. The following data helps us understand how and when users upgrade their Nextcloud.

Major Version

Every Version

Passwords App Version Distribution

We always only provide support for the latest version of the app. The following data helps us understand when users upgrade the app.

Major Version

Patch Version

Full Version

Release Channel

App Version to Nextcloud Version

(Data shows the last week)

Update settings

Nightly Users

Did you know that there is a setting called "Show Nightly Updates in "Apps"" in the admin settings of passwords that gives you easy access to our "Nightly" versions trough the regular app store? You can always test the latest new stuff we're working on by installing the Nightlies.

Nightly Updates Enabled

Nextcloud Release Channel

PHP Version Distribution

We only support PHP-Versions with active support by the PHP developers. The following data helps us understand when users upgrade their PHP environment.

Major Version

Every Version

PHP Version to Nextcloud Version

(Data shows the last week)




This data shows us what kind of server our users use and which hardware limitations we should look out for.



The performance hint can be used to instruct the app to limit the amount of requests to the server by a client. It can give an indication to how fast or slow the server is.


This data shows us which database our users use and we should probably test the application on.

Cron Execution

The app runs best when the background jobs are executed trough the system cron. This data helps us to understand if we need to make changes to prevent timeouts etc.


The percentage of servers where outgoing requests to other servers are tunneled trough a proxy.

SSL Proxy

The percentage servers using a HTTPS termination proxy which handles SSL and then passes the request to the actual server.

Nextcloud in a subdirectory

The percentage instances where Nextcloud is installed in a subdirectory. In the past, this has been a source of bugs in the app which is why it is now monitored.


This data helps us to understand which of our many third party services matter to you and which don't.

Image Processing Service

Favicon Service

Favicon Api Endpoint

(Data shows the last week)

Preview Service

Preview Api Endpoint

(Data shows the last week)

Password Check Service

Words Service



Did you know that you can host the user manual in the app on your own server? Did you even know that it is not included in the app and instead fetched from Github?


This data helps us to see how encryption updates are accepted by the uses.

Primary SSE Encryption

Primary SSE Encryption per App Version

(Data shows the last week)







This data helps us to see how our new client side encryption is accepted by users.

Primary CSE Encryption

Primary CSE Encryption per App Version

(Data shows the last week)




This data shows how important sharing functionality is to our users.

Shares on Server

App Integrations

Passwords offers various integrations with other apps. The data in this section shows us how many users actually use these apps.

Handbook for Passwords

Host the In-App handbook on your Nextcloud - no manual setup required.


Have you noticed our Unsplash integration? It really makes the login screen shine.



User Migration




Based on this data we will decide if we should offer an automated Passman migration.

This page and the passwords app are not related to Nextcloud, the Nextcloud Project or the Nextcloud GmbH. None of the data shown on this page was collected by Nextcloud. The data displayed on this page may not be representative of the entire Nextcloud environment and applies only to the passwords app and its users. All data is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind or any guarantee of correctness of the provided data.